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Learn all of the most important blockchain and cryptocurrency terms and jargon here.


An attack on blockchain by a group of miners controlling more than 50% of network hash rate.


Delegation of a wallet’s stake to a Super Staker

A way to promote cryptocurrencies by sending some free tokens to traders

Algorithm is a set of rules to follow to solve a problem or conduct a task.

Algorithmic stablecoins are digital tokens that are linked to a traditional currency, like the US dollar, using only software and rules.

The highest point (in price) that a cryptocurrency has been in history.

The lowest point (in price) that a cryptocurrency has been in history.

Altcoin refers to any alternative cryptocurrency other to Bitcoin

It’s a type of software that works like a middleman, allowing two different applications to communicate with each other. It enables apps, data, and devices to work together.

Refers to specialized computers that are made to do a specific task.

A strategy where investors buy a currency in a market and sell it at a higher price in another market to gain profit.

This term describes cryptocurrency Proof-of-Work systems designed to be difficult for specialized hardware (ASICs) to dominate. These systems include features that make it hard for ASICs to outperform regular consumer […]

Ask me anything refers to sessions where people from specific professions (like a firefighter, doctor, or journalist) or companies (like the CEO of Apple) invite others to ask them any […]

An atomic swap is a way to trade cryptocurrencies from different blockchains directly with each other, without needing a middleman.

Automatic Replay Protection refers to the upgrade implemented by Bitcoin Cash to stop the loss of funds from exchanges through replay attacks.


A person who holds a large amount of cryptocurrency which is declining in value or becoming worthless

A Batch Auction gives out tokens to users based on how much they put into the pool. After the auction ends, the price of each token is set according to […]

Unlike a bull market, a bear market means that the market is going down. It’s called a “bear” market because, like a bear that swipes its paws downward, the market […]

A term for when investors think the market or an asset will go down in price, showing they have a negative outlook.

ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine, similar to the ones in banks. These machines let you buy or sell cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, for a fee. Bitcoin ATMs are sometimes called […]

Individuals who are passionate about Bitcoin, and are dedicated in spreading knowledge about Bitcoin. In the early days, Bitcoin is mostly shared digitally within forums but as it grew in […]

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a suggestion made by developers to improve Bitcoin. First introduced by Amir Takir in 2011, these proposals can include adding new features, changing settings, or […]

This refers to the business license given by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) to companies handling cryptocurrencies (with some exceptions) in New York.

In blockchain, a block is a group of transactional data that is packaged together in a set size. Once the information in a block is verified according to specific rules, […]

Refers to the number of times a block has been confirmed on the blockchain. Every new block added after the one you’re looking at increases its confirmation count by one.

These are apps or websites that show details like the status of transactions or the data inside a block on a public blockchain network.

A number that is used to indicate the position of a particular block within a blockchain.

One of the mechanisms built into a blockchain to incentivize validators.

In Bitcoin’s case, a blockchain is its decentralized, public ledger that keeps track of all transactions.

In trading, the term “bloodbath” is often used to describe a market that is falling sharply, with many assets losing value.

This refers to software or programs that automatically make trades based on pre-set rules or conditions.

Public tasks available for anyone for a reward.

This is advice for investors to focus on supporting new blockchain projects instead of just holding onto cryptocurrencies and waiting for their prices to go up.

A bull market indicates the direction of the market going in an upward trend.

This term is used to describe a positive feeling about the market or an asset, where investors expect prices to go up.

Tokens that have been sent to addresses with unknown private keys, making them unusable.

A call by asset or cryptocurrency supporters to buy during a price drop, encouraging others to take advantage of the lower prices.

A large buy order at one price that creates a noticeable “wall” in the order book, making it stand out.

Buy/Sell Tax On-chain buy or sell tax rate where a percentage of the tokens bought/sold will be transferred to a set address.

A Byzantine fault occurs when an error happens in a computer system, but the system can’t figure out which part failed due to a lack of information, so it keeps […]

This term describes a situation where a single strategy needs agreement from all members of a group, even though these members cannot be trusted or verified.


A cc0 NFT is a piece of digital content where the IP rights have been relinquished

It is a digital currency issued by central banks, unlike cryptocurrency, which is issued by non-governmental entities.

A central data repository of a company or bank is a main storage location where all the important data is kept and managed.

A structure where a small group of people or entities have control over the entire network.

An estimate of the number of coins or tokens that are not locked and are available for public transactions.

Mining on blockchains using processing power rented from companies that provide and manage the physical equipment

Offline storage of cryptocurrencies, like hardware wallets or paper wallets, is often considered safer because it requires physical access to retrieve the funds.

Wallets that are offline and need physical access to specific devices, such as hardware wallets or paper wallets.

A collateralized debt obligation (CDO) is a type of financial product where the value comes from underlying assets, and it is sold to institutional investors.

Composability is the ability to combine and integrate different parts of a software system.

Consensus in a blockchain system happens when all participants agree on what the next block should be before it gets added to the blockchain.

This type of auction has a set price per token, and tokens are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

It is speculation that the price of cryptocurrencies will rise very high before eventually crashing.

A form of digital currency that uses cryptographic protocols to track ownership and prevent forgery.

The Cryptocurrency Act of 2020 is a bill designed to clarify which federal agencies are responsible for regulating different types of crypto assets.

A field of study that uses cryptography to convert human-readable information into a format that can only be understood by those with the proper knowledge

Protective care or guardianship of an asset.


On a blockchain, users interact with each other using their addresses. “Daily active addresses” (DAA) refers to the number of addresses that meet a specific activity criteria each day on […]

A short-lived price increase after a long period of decline. Price charts show a temporary recovery as if the market is about to turn around, but then the prices drop […]

A system where there are no centralized points of failure or organization with no central authority figure.

Applications that operate on decentralized peer-to-peer networks like Ethereum are called decentralized apps or “dApps.”

open source and decentralized systems that do not require centralized operators or controllers.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a movement focused on creating financial applications that operate without a central authority and cannot be censored.

The process of converting data that was previously encrypted (made unreadable) back into a readable form is called decryption.

A consensus mechanism where chosen members of a network are voted in as delegates to validate transactions and create blocks on a blockchain is called “Delegated Proof of Stake” (DPoS).

Derivatives are financial tools whose value comes from an underlying asset, such as crude oil, gold, or Bitcoin.

A market for derivatives is where financial instruments like futures or options are traded, and their value is based on an underlying asset

A relative measure of how hard it is to correctly guess a new block is called “difficulty.”

Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are a data structure that grows in one direction, branching out without any repeats or cycles.

Attack A common cyber-attack tactic where a perpetrator floods a network or service with a large amount of traffic to disrupt normal operations is called a “Distributed Denial of Service” […]

Ledgers that store and sync data across a network of nodes are known as “distributed ledgers.”

Describes the technology that enables distributed ledger.

An advice for investors to do their own research on the coins they wanted to invest in.

Typically refers to Bitcoin’s market capitalization dominance.

Double spending is the act of using the same digital currency twice. It’s a tactic often used by dishonest individuals, especially on crypto exchanges.

A common term used to describe a market drop or the act of selling one’s holdings is “dumping.”

A new type of malicious activity where hackers and scammers try to invade the privacy of cryptocurrency users by sending small amounts of money to their wallets is called “dusting.”

A Dutch Auction, also known as an “inverted” auction, begins with a high asking price that gradually decreases over time until it reaches a set minimum price.


These are suggestions for improving Ethereum, used to add new features or make updates to the Ethereum network.

Emission is how fast new coins are created and released in a blockchain cryptocurrency, based on the rules programmed into its software.

Encryption is the process of turning information (called plaintext) into a secret code using an algorithm (called a cipher). The result is called ciphertext, and only authorized parties can decode […]

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance is a group of Ethereum developers, companies, research organizations, and startups working together to explore how Ethereum can be used for business purposes.

The ERC-1155 token standard allows a single token ID to represent both non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and fungible tokens. Each token can have its own metadata, supply, and other attributes.

ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comments, and ERC-20 is one of the most popular token standards on Ethereum used to create fungible, interchangeable tokens.

ERC-721 was introduced in 2017 to create a token standard for non-fungible, exchangeable Etherem tokens.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a service that lets Ethereum users find websites or send and receive funds using easy-to-remember names, instead of long, complicated strings of letters and […]

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the environment in which all smart contracts are executed.

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of security that tracks a group of assets, such as stocks, bonds, an index, or cryptocurrencies, but is traded on the market like […]

To explain in such simple terms that even a five-year-old would be able to understand it.

Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) are accounts on Ethereum that are controlled by a private key and don’t have any code or smart contracts associated with them.


A faucet usually represents a site or app where a user can navigate to for small rewards repeated over time.

FOMO is the acronym for “Fear of Missing Out” The concept refers to the feeling of anxiety or the idea that other people are sharing in a positive or unique […]

A strategy to dissuade people from buying a particular cryptocurrency by spreading false information.

Cryptocurrencies are pegged to an underlying asset.

“Flappening” is a term used to describe the moment when Litecoin becomes larger and more valuable than Bitcoin Cash (BCH). It’s a play on the word “Flippening,” which is used […]

It involves intercepting a large buy order before it gets processed (mined) on the blockchain. The front-runner quickly buys the assets and then resells them to the original buyer at […]

Full Nodes are computers that verify the set of rules that are built into the protocols of a given cryptocurrency.

FPPS (Full Pay-Per-Share) is similar to PPS (Pay-Per-Share), with the key difference being that in FPPS, the mining pool also distributes transaction fees as an additional incentive when a block […]

Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) refers to the hypothetical market capitalization of a cryptocurrency if all of its total supply were in circulation, calculated using the current market price. The FDV […]

An agreement between two counterparties that obligates them to transact in the future based on the contract terms set.



Gas represents the computational effort required to perform transactions or execute smart contracts. Users pay gas fees to compensate for the energy and processing power used by the network to […]

A term refers to the highest number of gas units a user is willing to use for a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain.

Refers to the amount of price user is willing to pay for a transaction on Ethereum blockchain.

It is the first block of data that is processed and validated to form a new blockchain, typically called as “block 0” or “block 1”

“GM” is a shorthand for “good morning,” commonly used in the crypto community for casual greetings. Similarly, “GN” stands for “good night,” and is used when people are signing off […]

A term used to describe the market’s persistent downtrend, synonymous with “bear market”.

A golden cross is a bullish signal in technical analysis. It happens when a short-term moving average crosses above a long-term moving average, indicating that the short-term momentum is stronger […]

These are chips dedicated to graphics processing or floating point operations, allowing to lighten the workload of the processors during applications usage such as video games.

The monetary domination of gas, involving Ether.



This event is known as a halving. It reduces the reward given to Proof-of-Work (PoW) miners by half, typically occurring at regular intervals on certain blockchain networks, such as Bitcoin. […]

The maximum amount that an ICO will be raising.

A hard fork occurs when a blockchain permanently splits into two separate chains because of a significant change in the protocol or rules. The original blockchain does not accept the […]

A hash function is an output code (unique and alphanumeric) that we obtain from an input string.

Hashgraph is a distributed ledger system that has been compared to the blockchain idea as a continuation or successor.

This refers to the hash rate of a blockchain. The hash rate measures the total computational power used to process transactions and secure the network, typically expressed as the number […]

A term made popular by Carlos Matos who was the spokesperson for the Bitconnect Ponzi. He used it frequently during Bitconnect events to rile up the crowd.

A popular crypto slang to encourage holding the assets rather than selling.

It is a tool that stores your cryptocurrencies and is always connected to the internet.

It is the allowance for both Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Work distribution consensus to work on the same network.

(Hyperledger Foundation) Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort to create blockchain technologies hosted by The Linux Foundation since 2016.


An Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) is a variation of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), where the token sale is managed by a cryptocurrency exchange instead of the project team directly.

A property characterized by inability to be changed and stays unchanged over time.

Temporary loss of funds due to volatility leading to divergence in price between token pairs provided by liquidity providers.

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is similar to an Initial Public Offering (IPO), but instead of raising funds by selling shares, a cryptocurrency project raises money through the sale of […]

It is a system that lets devices that are connected to the internet, communicate with each other without human-to-human or human-to-devices interactions.

Interoperability refers to the ability of different products or systems to work together seamlessly without any limitations or compatibility issues.

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer network and distributed file system protocol designed for storing and sharing data. It uses content-addressing to give each file a unique identifier […]

An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the process where a company sells newly issued shares to the public for the first time, allowing it to raise capital from public investors.

The abbreviation for “if you know, you know” is IYKYK. It implies that the user has shared insider knowledge or a reference that only those familiar with the specific experience […]



The kimchi premium is the price difference between South Korean exchanges and other global exchanges for bitcoin.

A process for business entities that are required to verify its clients and assessing them.


A record of financial transactions that cannot be changed, only appended with new transactions.

It is an investment strategy to gain potential return of the investment by borrowing the money.

A “second layer” or off-chain payment protocol is built on top of a blockchain and allows transactions to occur off the main chain. It operates on a peer-to-peer platform, improving […]

Orders placed by traders to buy or sell a cryptocurrency when a certain price is reached.

A proof of stake consensus mechanism by Tezos that slightly differs from Delegated Proof of Stake.

The ease of which cryptocurrency can be bought and sold without impacting the overall market price.  A proof of stake consensus mechanism by Tezos that slightly differs from Delegated Proof […]



It is the main network of Bitcoin, where the transactions of this cryptocurrency are registered and take place.

Margin call takes place when investor’s margin account falls below the required amount to stay afloat.

It’s a method of investing where you borrow money from a broker (or in cryptocurrency, from an exchange or platform) to make trades.

In cryptocurrency, market cap is calculated by multiplying the total number of tokens or coins in circulation by their current price.

An entity or individual that facilitates the trading of cryptocurrencies by providing liquidity to the market.

A market order is a request to buy or sell stocks or cryptocurrency at the best available price right away.

An entity or individual of the market who buys and sells from currently existing orders

Computers that handle processing blockchain transactions and earn a reward when a new block is successfully mined are called miners or nodes.

“Mempool” is short for Memory Pool. It refers to a collection of unconfirmed transactions in a blockchain. When a transaction is made, it goes into the mempool, where miners then […]

A Merkle tree, also called a hash tree in cryptography, is a structure where each leaf node contains the cryptographic hash of a data block, and each non-leaf node contains […]

The Metaverse is a virtual space where users are able to interact with each other in a computer generated environment.

One millionth of a bitcoin or 0.000001 of a bitcoin.

A microtransaction is a system that allows very small payments for buying digital goods and services, like purchasing items in a game.

A cryptocurrency is considered “mineable” when it has a system that allows miners to earn newly-created cryptocurrencies as a reward for creating new blocks.

Contributors to a blockchain taking part in the process of mining.

The process in which miners verify and add transaction records into a block is called “mining” or “block validation.” Miners confirm transactions and group them into a new block, which […]

Another term for cloud mining, where users can rent or invest in mining capacity online.

A mining pool is the combination of resources from several miners to increase mining power and improve the chances of earning greater rewards for creating new blocks. Some mining pools […]

The reward resulting from contributing computing resources to process transactions.

A dedicated hardware to mine.

A mnemonic phrase, also called a mnemonic seed or seed phrase, is a sequence of words used to access or restore your cryptocurrency assets.

Mnemonics are memory aids that use systems like letters or associations to help with recall. *See Mnemonic Phrase.

A meme about the US Federal Reserve resorting to unlimited quantitative easing, or money printing, to support the failing traditional financial market during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was done as […]

“Moon” or “To the moon” is crypto slang used to describe when cryptocurrency prices are rising sharply. When a coin hits its peak price, it’s said to be “mooning.”

MTgox or Mt. Gox was one of the first websites where users could take part in fiat-to-bitcoin exchange (and vice versa).

They are wallets that require more than one key for transactions to be authorized.



In a blockchain network, nodes are computers that connect to the network and maintain an up-to-date copy of the blockchain.

It is a decentralized type-of-wallet, where the users owns its private keys.

These are collectible items on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-721 standard, where each token represents a unique element with its own specific value.

The abbreviation “nonce” stands for “number only used once.” It is crucial in the Bitcoin blockchain network, especially alongside the hash, for verifying data and ensuring the integrity of transactions.


Off-Chain This refers to transactions occurring outside the blockchain and executed instantly. Offline Staking Staking without needing to be connected to the blockchain. Open/Close The opening price of a cryptocurrency […]

This refers to transactions occurring outside the blockchain and executed instantly.

Staking without needing to be connected to the blockchain.

Open-source software is a type of software made available under a license that allows users to freely study, modify, and share it with others for any purpose.

The opening price of a cryptocurrency is the price at the start of a specific time period, like the beginning of the day. The closing price is the price at […]

opML, short for Optimistic Machine Learning, is a new method for running AI model predictions on the blockchain. It uses an optimistic verification system, making it different from regular machine […]

It is a financial instrument that gives the buyer the right to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price and within a set time period.

In crypto, oracles are services that check real-world information and send that data to blockchains or smart contracts.

An electronic list of all buy and sell orders in an exchange.

It means that cryptocurrencies are traded directly between two people, without using an exchange.


The PPLNS system pays miners only after the pool successfully finds a block. This means you’ll get paid only once a block has been discovered.

In the PPS payment method, miners are paid for each valid share they contribute. Each share has a fixed value in cryptocurrency, so miners get paid regardless of whether the […]

A communication protocol that does not require a central hub.

it is a private blockchain where the nodes must be previously authorized by a central entity.

It means both “profile pic” and “picture for proof”.

A Ponzi scheme, also known as a pyramid scheme, is an investment scam where returns to existing investors are paid using money from new investors. These schemes often promise high […]

A portfolio consists all of your current crypto holdings in one place.

A typically exclusive token sale event preceding a public ICO.

Privacy coins are specifically created to ensure that transactions remain private and user data stays anonymous. Their main goal is to protect the privacy of all transactions.

The alphanumeric string which allows transactions from the cryptocurrency address.

Proof of Stake is a consensus algorithm that selects block validators based on their stake weight, which is determined by the amount of tokens they have staked and how long […]

A consensus algorithm in which a block is validated via mathematical hashing.

A consensus algorithm that determines the order of block validation based on the identity and reputation of participants.

A consensus algorithm that determines the order of block validation based on the coins/token burned by the validator.

A concept of identifying the developers of a project as a means of vouching reputation for a project.

A set of rules that govern how interactions happen on a blockchain network, typically covering things like reaching consensus, validating transactions, and participating in the network.

An open-source blockchain where anyone can participate without needing approval or special permissions.

The alphanumeric string which serves as a public receiving address in cryptocurrencies.

This is a strategy where the development team (or short-term traders) creates a lot of excitement around a project without real value, just to temporarily raise the price of its […]


“QR code” stands for “Quick Response Code.” It is a machine-readable optical label that can store up to 3 kilobytes (Kb) of data.


Moons are a new way for people to be rewarded for their contributions to r/CryptoCurrency

A shorthand slang for “wrecked”, typically describes bad trades that results in losses.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a widely used technical indicator for analyzing financial markets. It charts current and historical closing prices to assess whether an asset is overbought or […]

A type of digital signature performed in a group where it becomes impossible to determine which member’s key in the group were used for the digital signature.

Short for “Return on Investment”, the ratio between the net profit and cost of investing.

A sudden withdrawal of liquidity that usually causes asset prices to crash because there’s not enough liquidity to handle buying and selling.


In cryptography, a salt is a random piece of data added to a password or passphrase before hashing it. This makes each hashed password unique, even if the same password […]

A unit measure for the smallest divisible unit of a bitcoin. 1 bitcoin is equal to 100 Million Satoshi.

The pseudonym used in publishing the Bitcoin Whitepaper. Identity is unknown.

In cryptography, scrypt (pronounced “ess-crypt”) is an algorithm used in some proof-of-work cryptocurrencies. It is designed to be more difficult to mine by requiring large amounts of memory, making it […]

A set of solutions built on top of a public blockchain aims to improve its scalability and efficiency, particularly for micro-transactions or small actions. Examples include Plasma, TrueBit, Lightning Network, […]

On July 3, 2018, Binance announced the Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU), an emergency insurance fund to protect users in case of hacks or security breaches. The SAFU fund […]

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government. It is responsible for enforcing federal securities laws, proposing securities regulations, and overseeing the securities […]

A seed is a value used to generate a pseudorandom number, often represented as a string of 12 common English words. It’s commonly used in cryptocurrency wallets to recover private […]

A soft fork is a change to the Bitcoin protocol that updates the transaction format to improve scalability and add new features. This type of update is backward-compatible, meaning it […]

Anomalously large sell order(s) at a single price point that reflects as a “wall” in the order book.

SHA-256 stands for “Secure Hashing Algorithm – 256,” and is part of the SHA-2 family. It allows one-way hashing of any data into a fixed 64-character string, ensuring data integrity […]

A form of database partitioning which breaks up data into smaller segments.

A shill is someone who creates hype for an organization or product by pretending to be a regular customer and endorsing it in public forums. Unlike regular advertising, shills don’t […]

A coin with no obvious potential value or usage.

A separate blockchain ledger that runs parallel with the primary blockchain.

This tactic, known as SIM swapping or SIM hijacking, occurs when a hacker takes control of a victim’s mobile phone number to bypass two-factor authentication and two-step verification, allowing them […]

Self executing contracts on the blockchain without needing human executors or notary.

Targeted fund raising limit of an ICO

A backward-compatible update to a decentralized blockchain protocol.

It is a collection of software development tools in one package installation. It is designed to help developing applications for a specific device or operating system (OS).

Object oriented programming language used in various smart contract blockchains.

A Qtum PoS miner uses their own coins to participate in staking and earn rewards. The Qtum blockchain initially launched with Solo Stakers, and this option will remain available even […]

Cryptocurrency with a price peg to fiat currencies or commodity.

The state of locking-in significant amount of token to participate as a validator of a Proof-of-Stake network.

Double mined blocks that are not included in the blockchain.

Secondary payment channel occurring off-chain.

A Security Token Offering (STO) is a public offering where tokenized digital securities, known as security tokens, are issued and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges.

A stop-loss order is designed to protect traders from significant losses. It automatically changes a limit order into a market order when the asset’s price drops below a specific threshold.

A Qtum Core wallet (full node) offers staking services for delegated addresses, helping them earn rewards through Proof of Stake. In return, it takes a small portion of each block […]


The Tangle is IOTA’s distributed ledger technology that uses directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). It grows in one direction without repeating and is resistant to quantum computing attacks.

Shorthand for “Test Network”, testnets are staging areas for experimenting new blockchain features.

A ticker is a short symbol that represents a stock or asset, serving as an identifier for that asset.

Blockchain based unit of value issued by an organization, which grants token holders a right to participate in a network.

A token burn is an event where tokens are permanently removed from circulation in a verifiable way.

An event in which new tokens are created and distributed to the public.

All the tokens and coins that will exist in a cryptocurrency network.

Total Value Locked (TVL) measures the total amount of assets currently staked or secured by a DeFi protocol.

Trading volume is used to gauge how active a market is. Higher trading volume indicates more traders are participating, which often means better liquidity.

A payment to the network for performing a transaction to be recorded on the blockchain.

TPS, or transactions per second, measures how many transactions occur in one second.

Entirely verifiable means you can confirm something without having to trust that it was done correctly or in good faith.

A “turning complete” code or blockchain refers to the ability to read program-written codes.


An unspent transaction output (UTXO) is the result of a blockchain transaction that hasn’t been spent yet and can be used as input for future transactions.

UTC time is the global time standard used to represent time worldwide. In the cryptocurrency industry, where companies and users are spread across different time zones, using a standardized time […]

Utility tokens give holders the right to use a product or service provided by the token issuer, helping to avoid being classified as an investment vehicle.


A block-signing participant in a Proof of Stake blockchain network who has a large amount of tokens locked in the network is called a validator.

Unlike fixed Buy/Sell tax rates, a variable tax rate lets contract owners change the tax rate whenever they want.

Venture capital is a type of private investment used to fund small, early-stage companies that are believed to have high growth potential.

An automated market maker (AMM) is a system that automatically facilitates trading by providing liquidity to an exchange. A virtual AMM (vAMM) works similarly to an AMM but doesn’t hold […]


A software program that stores your cryptocurrencies and lets you send them to others.

An address where you can store cryptocurrency, send it, and receive it.

A situation where one party repeatedly buys and sells the same asset to artificially increase the trading volume.

A custom list of items you want to monitor for any activity or changes.

A Web3 wallet is software that lets you interact with Web 3.0.

The smallest unit of Ether is called Wei, and there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one quintillion) Wei in one Ether.

A person who owns a large amount of cryptocurrency and has the power to influence the market is often called a “whale.”

The phrase “When Lambo?” is used by investors to ask when the value of their investment will increase enough for them to afford a Lamborghini.

An expression used by investors to ask when the price of a coin would hit a peak

A list of approved participants who will be allowed to take part in a token sale (like an ICO, IEO, or STO) is called a “whitelist.”

An introductory paper that briefly explains a problem and proposes a possible solution is called a “white paper.”


Yield Farming – Yield farming is when you deposit your cryptocurrency into a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to earn interest or rewards from trading activities.

Yield farming is when you deposit your cryptocurrency into a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to earn interest or rewards from trading activities.

Acronym for Year-to-date.


Zero Knowledge Proof Cryptographic – Proof for 2 parties to verify a value without revealing what the value is.

Another name for “unconfirmed transaction”

Cryptographic proof for 2 parties to verify a value without revealing what the value is.

zk-SNARKs stands for Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge. It is a protocol that allows someone to prove they know a piece of information (like a string or hash) without […]

Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning (zkML) combines the principles of zero-knowledge proofs with machine learning.

A zkOracle is an advanced blockchain concept that merges the functionality of oracles with the principles of zero-knowledge proofs.